I think you guys realised i haven't been doing things here in a while.cause I did.Well I was busy with *something* aaaandzzz...
I'm bakc on NG!It looks like we have a new design,yeah? :P anyways,here are some people that i want myself to recognize:
ArchAngel (Yes,we are we)(linky link)
Randomes(XRandomKill)(When dafuq did u change de name brah?)
Coldtrojan(miss u bro :) )
nuke505(i'm his public :P check out some of his old news)
Aaaaaannndddzzzz....Gues what,bitches?
-Minecraft Animation
-A Madness One
-One for we's birthday :P
-Cupckaes!(didn't spell it wrong,itIS cupckeas.